The recipe of one of the most mythical beverages of the 19th century,
which has driven people out of their mind and made them look at the
surrounding in a new way, in the green pool of which there have been so
many mysteries that one cannot understand so far how to treat it, is
born anew at the threshold of the 21st century.
The history of the beginning of the Green Fairy`s myth - as the
Absinthe has been called in France - goes back to the far 18th century
when the receipt was introduced. The original King of Spirits has
contained toyon, which affected a man ambiguously: either made him a
genius or a loony (which is, frankly speaking, the same!). That is, why
the beverage has been so valued by the great Parisian Bohemians -
Vincent van Gog, Paul Verlen, Edgar Dega … . Besides, the
Absinthe has
possessed unique aphrodisiac properties, which also promoted it
triumphantly through Europe at the midst of the 19th - beginning of the
20th centuries.
It has been a great success not only because of the remarkable taste
but also of the ritual accompanying degustation process. One of the
most wide-spread ways to drink it was a riot called
“pelle”. First, one
poured just a little of the Absinthe into a wine-glass, as much as a
person considered "reasonable" for himself, evaluating the
"reasonability" by the hue of "the green" in the glass. Then a special
spoon was carefully put onto the glass, and a piece of sugar in the
spoon, which was slowly watered on. The sugar melted and dripped into
the glass through the narrow chinks in the spoon. It gave the beverage
an emerald or an opal colour.
Unfortunately, the grand success of the Absinthe has brought it to the
ruination, however strange it may be. At the beginning of the 20th
century the liquor made a lot of enemies. The result of this was that
it was banned first in the Belgian Congo, then, in 1906, in Belgium.
The events have started developing impetuously. Holland banned the
Absinthe in 1908, Switzerland - in 1910, the USA - in 1912, Italy - in
1913. And, to crown all, the 1st World war has broken out in Europe,
what has played the very decisive role in the destiny of the beverage.
Problems at the fronts, army demoralization, the wine-making lobby, the
Nations League`s Anti-alcoholic campaign impelled the French government
to seek for a “scapegoat”. And it has found it,
having banned the
Absinthe. It happened in 1915. Only under the pressure of the
accidental circumstances as well as because of the wrong idea, what
effect the liqueur has on a human being`s organism, the Absinthe has
been accused of all the troubles and blamed more than any other
alcoholic drink.
And after the Antanta`s victory the headquarters flooded the trenches
with wine: 12 million decalitres were drunk in 1917. Absinthe has been
forgotten of, the receipt of the King of Spirits has been
lost… .
It could seem the history of the beverage should have stopped at the
point. But for a “but”: the Absinthe has been and
is a liquor of cult,
mysterious, a little bit dangerous, and that`s why to many people so
attractive that notwithstanding its status of the beverage banned
almost everywhere in the world - or, maybe, exclusively due to the fact
- people made all afforts to resurrect the original recipe of the King
of Spirits. And so, in 200 years from its beginning the history found
the continuation in Czech Republic!
They have been able not only to reveal and revive the old French recipe
of the King of Spirits but they have also proved the absolute
harmlessness of this wonderful liqueur. Certainly, if to follow the
precise receipt and moderate consumption: you are not to drink the
Absinthe one glass right after the other!
The restored King of Spirits corresponds in every aspect to the
qualities of the authentic one. Besides, the latest experiments have
resulted in the undoubtful improvement of the properties. What`s more
unlike another sorts of the Absinthe, in production of which chemical
substances are mostly applied, the improvement has been reached only
thanks to the herbs the King of Spirits is infused on and which are
brought from all over the world.
The manufacturing technology is very complex*: there is clouding in the
last stages as well as a sediment as a result of the reciprocity of
different herbs. Usually, one can remove the sediment only with the
help of chemicals. But in Czech Republic they have achieved the
original quality of the King of Spirits not using any chemical
substances. The infusion process is a very important part of the
technology. It takes place right in the bottle. And the longer it is
drawn, the more perfect it is!
It is not only a recherche bouquet of the liqueur that adds to its
legendary image, but also the drinking procedure. A person, who is
drinking the Absinthe, worships, acquires the secrets of the witching
powers of the herbs and rootlets!
Special Absinthe glass.
Special Absinthe spoon filled with suger wet with Absinthe
Fire the suger in the spoon
Smelting suger will drop and fire the Absinthe poured in the glass
Dropping water from the fountain will down the fire, making the
consistence of Absinthe the colour you would like it to drink.
Important Note: Praga Magica is offering this tour for
cultural reasons
only. This tour will focus on the role of Absinth in late 19th and
early 20th century art. Praga Magica in no way encourages excessive
drinking or alcoholism.
Day 1. Arrival in Prague:
During the transfer from the airport to your hotel you will have a
short panoramic preview of the city. After you have settled into your
hotel, we will stroll through the Staré Město and
Nové Město (Old Town
and New Town). We will start from Václavské
náměstí (Wenceslas Square)
taking you to Staroměstské námistí
(Old Town Square), while passing
palaces, well known coffeehouses, theatres, famous churches which
include - Panna Marie Sněžná (Our lady Mary
in the snow) and sv.(svatý)
Havel (St. Havel), then on to the markets: Uhelný trh (Coal
Market) and
Ovocný trh (Fruit Market) ending our walk on Karluv most
Bridge). Our excursion is ending with degustation at the first Absinth
bar in Tynska street.
Return to the hotel, dinner and to bed. However, based on the time of
the year we could also take a bus trip around the lit monuments and
possibly stop at Křižíková
fontána (fountain).
Day 2. A day long tour with a guide - the
castle and its environs:
You will be taken to Hradčany (Prague Castle) to see the
klášter (cloister) with its philosophical and
theological hall
libraries (which are one of the most beautiful in the world) and
Obrazárna klášter (Picture Gallery
Cloister), Loreta (with its
priceless treasures - e.g. the monstrance "Pražské
slunce" (Prague
Sun), which is completed with 6,200 diamonds. The Černínský,
Toskanský, Schwarzenberský and other palaces, and the
guarter Nový Svět (New World)
Malá Strana (literally translated as "Lesser Guarter" which is
oldest part of Prague) - the magical town of art with its unforgettable
corners and truly impressive palaces. Malostranské
náměstí (Small Town
Square) with its unusual and exceptional chrám sv.
Mikuláše (cathedral
of St. Nicholas), the chef d'oeuvre Dietzenhofer. Dinner.
Day 3.
Trip to Western Bohemia.
Full day excursion to the First Royal Absinth Factory at Pradlo near
Nepomuc. Plzen - the Westerm Czech capital, famous not only for its
Brewery tradition (Plsner Urquell is exported to more then 80
countries), but for the machine-building as well (Skoda). Lunch at the
Plzen Brewery where the most famous Czech Beer is brewed -- Pilsner
Urquell. Visit to historical City Center: amazing square where
Renaissance, Baroque, Gothic buildings are represented, the highest
Church tower of St.Bartholomew (106 meters), where one have a chance to
see the most valuable statue of Black Madonna of Plzen of the 13th
century, the last stop will be a unique Museum of Brewery. Return to
Prague. Free time in the evening.
Day 4.
Architecture and Art Absinth take important part in: late 19th, early
20th century. Historical Styles: Neo Renaissance, Neo Gothic, Neo
Baroque, Art Nouveau (Obecni Dùm with Mucha, Kupka, Preisler
masterpieces), Cubism - House of the Black Mother of God,
Constructivism, Functionalism. Traids Fair Palace.
After breakfast - check out of hotel. Facultative visit to the European
Modern Art Gallery. Leisure. Possible to take part in Holy Mass at
St.James Baselic (the biggest organ in Prague, the cellar of the church
provides the best acustics).
Transfer to the airport.
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